Welcome to RIAG.ie
Delighted that you have visited RIAG.ie
Feel free to have a look around – there are plenty of interesting articles on the site. RIAG – or The Russian Irish Adoption Group – aim to provide information and news of interest to our members, family and friends.
Our members are parents of children adopted in Ireland – from Russian and surrounding countries – and also children, teens and young adults who have been adopted – can be members too. This site changes regularly – so please do come back for another visit another time.
You can contact us here - contact RIAG
Top RatedEncouraging Words for Kids
In the years since my grandmother has been gone, I am still inspired to notice the good things in life when I remember the way she would pause at those good moments and say, “This, now this is good.” To this day I can hear my mother encouraging me when I try new things. Her voice of confidence from my childhood continues to give me confidence now.
LatestMy Hero is YOU – Storybook for Children
ublished Date 31 March 2020 This book was a project developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC MHPSS RG). The project was supported by global, regional and country based experts from Member Agencies of the IASC MHPSS RG, in addition to parents, caregivers, teachers and children in 104 countries. A global survey was distributed in Arabic, English, Italian, French and Spanish to assess children’s mental health and psychosocial needs during the COVID-19 outbreak.
About RIAG - The Russian Irish Adoption Group
Set up to help adopters [Parents] and adoptees [children,teens, young adults – build and sustain a network of friends who have international adoption as a common interest. Our members either have adopted or are adopted from Russia and surrounding countries. There are almost 2000 individuals adopted from those regions and now living in Ireland. RIAG aim to provide them with a platform to engage or simply to browse – as they wish.
RIAG is a small not for profit organisation – set up in 2008 by a group of parents.
RIAG has a constitution and a management committee. The current committee is:
Chair: Marie Hunt.
HonTreasurer: Owen Wynne.
Hon Sec: Rob Jefferson.
Membership manager: Jennifer Reilly.
Communications: Mary MacCabe
Other members: Marina Doyle, Geraldine Kriegel, Regina Faherty.
RIAG has as its main purpose – the provision of a network for members who are adopted or have adopted from Russia and Surrounding Countries. This network can be for the purpose of sharing of information through parents events, the provision of social structures for parents and children – or other ad hoc activities.